2022 Achievements

  • We launched a virtual reading session that reached over 200 students.
  • We continued on with our Love on Purpose Movement and packed over 100 wellness kits to provide self care products to the homeless with Comed
  • We went to Ghana where we have been partnering with a Deaf and Blind school providing them essential items and planted 14 trees impacting over 500 students.
  • We served over 200 families at our Farmer’s Market and Community Resource fair where we were able to give out fresh produce and resources.
  • We had over  30 youth participating in an Internship and Mentoring program.
  • In our biggest event ever, we were able to pass on our holiday spirit and bless over 500 families during our 4th Annual Holiday Party and Toy Giveaway! A day long event consisting of food, games, and toys that was loads of fun for everyone.
  • Internship/Apprenticeship program

In 2023 We Will Continue

  • Mentoring Cohorts

  • Internship/Apprenticeship program

  • Educational Trip to Ghana where we are taking high school students

  • 5th Annual Holiday Party and Toy Giveaway