As we Celebrate The Late Great Dr. Martin Luther King Today for his Work in not only shaping his community, but also the world with his sacrifice and willingness to lead and change the injustices we are still experiencing today; We take this time to acknowledge our very own visionary and leader Dominique Bryant for carrying the baton.
Join us as we celebrate our Founder on receiving the Volunteer of the Year Award through Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois.

It is because of her impeccable commitment and work ethnic we are able to serve our communities at an extraordinary level! She has dedicated her life to being the change that’s needed to empower and cultivate the Dreamer inside of us all! Her determination to make a transforming impact on the lives of everyone she comes in contact with is unmatched! She is the example this generation needs!
We are elated to serve under and alongside someone as selfless, resilient, and committed as she is. Her favor will forever be appreciated! Due to her continuous efforts on community outreach, Dream was able to serve over 1,000 people in 2020 alone!
We look forward to seeing what her genius demonstrates in the upcoming year!
Congratulations again to Our Very Own Home Town Hero!
We Love You!
Thank you for helping us All DREAM IT, BELIEVE IT, ACHIEVE IT!